Smart Advertising

A personalised way to reduce road toll

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Push updates and Iterate
Gone are the days waiting around to display new advertisements. With XX you can develop a new concept in the morning, and have it displayed to drivers in the afternoon. Instant updates.
On Device Prediction
Using Edge computing we ensure that Privacy is upheld. Footage never is never stored and never leaves the device as all analysis is done real time on location.
Identify those at risk
Prediction is done real time, identifying vehicles at risk either speeding or following too close. Talk about in the moment advertising.
Instant Results and Experimentation
Supported by a second camera, we track the success of each advertisement. Not only that, automate the AB testing process to show the most relevant advertisement to the most relevant driver.

How it works

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect adipisicing elit. Possimus magnam voluptatum cupiditate veritatis in accusamus quisquam.

Step One: Identify
Taking the smarts from Data Collection we move to analytics on edge to provide real-time advertising.
The first stage identifies who are most at risk, based on Speed, Following distance or a combination of both. Speed can be tied to speed limits, or relative to other vehicles - accounting for traffic and weather conditions.
Example: A red SUV is speeding in a school zone compared to the existing traffic.
Step Two: Intervene
Trigger a road safety advertisement personalised for the vehicle at risk. Road Safety advertisements can be uploaded by Transport Organisations in minutes and displayed instantly.
Example: Knowing a Red SUV, Occlusion automatically displays an advertisement relevant to the vehicle, to reduce the speed.
Step Three: Iterate and Improve
With a second camera, we track the success of the advertisement on speed reduction and/or following distance. This enables Transport Agencies to have a tangible baseline to improve advertising messaging.
Bringing the digital world into reality, AB testing of advertising is performed on the device to ensure the right ad is shown to the right person.
Example: Monitoring the speed of the Red SUV, we see a speed reduction. Occlusion automatically identifies the best performing content for each situation.

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